When you have typed this, you will see a list of bots. Be sure to select the one's on the right image, there are some fake bots with similar names.
Just type "/newbot" as one of the options that BotFather gives. Now you have to follow the simple steps that BotFather tells to you. It's interesting all the things like BotFather permit us to do, like set a photo or set description. In order to have a professional bot we recommend to explore more in other things that BotFahter can do.
This Bot Acces Token is all we need in order to register the bot into our application. You have to copy it in order to follow the next and last step.
You have to press Add in order to add a Telegram channel. After this you will see this dialog with has two fields, the name and the token. In the field name you can put whatever you want a call your bot. In the token field you have to put the token that BotFather gived to you in the last step. This is all, You have your first bot ready to use!